Author: Glenn Trigg
New job and an offering
Last March (2020) I started a new job. Since being made redundant in 2015 I have tried a few different things – starting a hypnotherapy business, freelancing, and doing traffic control. What this has led me to realise is that the place where I really belong (in an occupation sense) is in software development. Fortunately…
The Ossification of Sport
In the beginning a few people got together with a stick and a ball, or maybe just a ball or something else, to have some fun. Some of them tried to get the ball to one particular spot and the others tried to get it to a different spot. Some onlookers thought it was quite…
Emotions Wheel
Recently a friend posted on Facebook an image of a wheel style chart of feelings/emotions where the centre contained five basic emotions and the two outer rings expanded on those five emotions into more nuanced feelings. Even though it’s not necessarily an exhaustive list, I thought that the presentation was useful for developing a greater…
On sex and gender identity
Exploring the difference between the two There appears to be a lot of confusion around the topic of sex, gender and gender identity. The terms get interchanged when they shouldn’t be which hinders a clear understanding of each term. Let’s lay it out starkly first and then delve into how these differ in one’s own…